
You are required to submit a conflict of interest declaration to the Senior Ethics Officer:
• if you are considering seeking a nomination as a candidate or becoming a candidate in a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal election; and
• before engaging in non-candidacy political activities that could constitute a conflict of interest or impair your ability to perform your NRC duties and responsibilities in an objective and impartial manner (ss. 5.3.7 NRC Policy on Conflict of Interest).
Examples of possible conflict of interest situations that should be declared:
• An NRC senior executive wants to participate as a community outreach volunteer with a local federal riding association.
• An administrative officer in a DG’s office wants to participate in door-to-door canvassing for a provincial riding association.
• A communications officer wants to be a communications director for a federal candidate.
• A research officer wants to advocate for policy change in their area of research expertise by joining a federal party and attending the party’s policy convention.